Lots of ideas-where to start

It's been a while since I last posted but I'm here! I've kept busy doing many things-daughter's birthday, niece's shower and wedding, other niece's graduation, and the list goes on. I am hoping to start posting some of my new projects soon. So stay tuned-they are coming!

Special order for more Truffle boxes

Pretty Paper Projects had a special order for more Truffle boxes. 
Here's a picture of what they looked like. 
They come with their own tag, ribbon and individual cups for the truffles.

Christmas Boots and Elf boot

Whew...been having all kinds of technical issues, but thank God that today I was able to load and update Facebook page, Twitter and www.prettypaperprojects.com.

I had previously made this Christmas boot with a LID to fill with cookies, goodies or candies.

 It's such a pretty boot and thought what else I can do with it. Well here is what I came up with...
When I put this together I already had someone in mind for it. But now I am thinking this would be great for a few other people too.

I kept thinking I made the Santa boot but what about an Elf boot? Which is correct Elf boot? or Elf shoe? As you can see, I went with boot. Only problem is this one was difficult to assemble-not because of the cut, but I ran out of glue so used a hot glue gun instead, can't say how much I don't work well with a hot glue gun. 
Glad I have been able to stock up on the glue I prefer. This boot is large enough to probably take a whole bag of candies cause it opens all the way through to the tip. This picture doesn't do it justice, especially because it's glossy paper.

Have a few more Christmas things I want to make. Hopefully get them up soon.

Toy soldier set

Well for me it's been almost a 12 hour day...running on fumes. But that crafting bug got a hold of me and wont let me go. I just finished my Toy soldier set and am very happy with the results, I hope others will feel the same. They are all boxes-Toy soldier can hold 6 inch pretzel sticks, the Hat can hold cookies/brownies, and the drum well I guess candies or even small size cookies.

Chocolate Truffle box-Christmas

I had fun making these and I have to admit I ate one or two of the truffles while working on the box.  I shouldn't admit that right? I was thinking of all the small gifts of appreciation we give to our kid's teachers, our carpool, our neighbors, friends and coworkers. Just to let them know we appreciate them. And I really don't know many who don't like chocolate!




