Christmas Boots and Elf boot

Whew...been having all kinds of technical issues, but thank God that today I was able to load and update Facebook page, Twitter and

I had previously made this Christmas boot with a LID to fill with cookies, goodies or candies.

 It's such a pretty boot and thought what else I can do with it. Well here is what I came up with...
When I put this together I already had someone in mind for it. But now I am thinking this would be great for a few other people too.

I kept thinking I made the Santa boot but what about an Elf boot? Which is correct Elf boot? or Elf shoe? As you can see, I went with boot. Only problem is this one was difficult to assemble-not because of the cut, but I ran out of glue so used a hot glue gun instead, can't say how much I don't work well with a hot glue gun. 
Glad I have been able to stock up on the glue I prefer. This boot is large enough to probably take a whole bag of candies cause it opens all the way through to the tip. This picture doesn't do it justice, especially because it's glossy paper.

Have a few more Christmas things I want to make. Hopefully get them up soon.